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The Healing

Healing is not easy. It’s messy, painful, and often feels like you are being broken all over again.

Beneath the pain is something quietly rebuilding, something soft yet powerful that keeps pushing you forward even when you feel like you have nothing left.

There are moments when the pain is so deep it seems impossible to breathe.

You wonder if you will ever feel whole again. In those moments, it’s easy to believe that the weight you carry will never lift, that the wounds will never close.

But healing is not about never feeling the pain again — it’s about learning to live with it, to carry it differently.

Sometimes healing begins in silence, when the noise of the world fades, and its just you and your thoughts.

Those moments can be terrifying. The pain feels louder when there’s nothing to distract you from it. But it’s in that stillness where the first crack of healing starts.

It’s in the quiet where you begin to hear the whispers of your own strength, buried under all the hurt. You begin to realize that even though you feel broken, there is something inside you that refuses to give up.

Healing is not a straight line. it’s falling down and getting back up over and over again.

It’s the night spent crying, feeling like the pain will never end, and the mornings when you find the courage to face another day. Some days, the weight feels lighter, and you start to believe you’re getting better.

Then out of nowhere, the sadness returns, reminding you how fragile the process is. But even on those dark days, the healing continues. It’s happening slowly, in ways you can’t always see.

There’s something sacred about scars. They carry stories of the battles you have fought and the strength you found when you thought you had none left.

Healing doesn’t erase the scars, it honors them.

It teaches you that the parts of you that feel broken are not something to be ashamed of. They are proof that you have survived, that you have endured what others might not understand.

Your scars are your story, and they make you who you are.

Healing also means letting yourself feel — really feel. It’s not about burying the pain or pretending it didn’t happen. It’s about opening yourself up to it, allowing the hurt to wash over you, knowing that one day, it will lessen.

It’s about facing the grief, the loss, the disappointment head-on and saying, I will not let this destroy me.

Healing requires bravery.

It’s about acknowledging the depth of your wounds but also believing in your ability to grow despite them.

But healing doesn’t happen in isolation. We heal through love, through connections, and through letting others in. It’s in the gentle touch of someone who cares, in the kind words that remind you that you are not alone.

It’s in the small quiet moments where you feel seen and heard.

There is something beautiful about the way others can help carry the weight, even if just for a little while. Healing thrives in those connections, in the space where love gently mends what pain has broken.

The truth is, healing doesn’t mean that everything will go back to the way it was. Some things are forever changed.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t find joy again, that you can’t feel whole again. Healing is about finding a new way to be, a new way to live with the pain.

It’s about discovering that you are not defined by the worst things that have happened to you, but by how you choose to rise from them.

And you will rise.

It may not feel like it now, but there is light ahead. For every tear you have cried, for every sleepless night, there is strength growing within you.

The healing may be slow, but it is happening. Each day that you get up and face the world, each time you choose hope over despair, you are healing.

The cracks may remain, but they are where the light gets in.

Healing is not about erasing the past, but about learning to carry it with grace. It’s about becoming the person who has been shaped by the pain, yet still finds beauty, still believes in love, and still holds onto hope.

It’s about recognizing that though the journey is hard, you are stronger than you know, and the scars you bear are not marks of weakness — they are proof of your courage.

In the end, healing is about rediscovering the person you are beneath the pain. It’s about learning to love yourself, not in spite of your wounds, but because of them. Because they tell a story of survival, of resilience, and of the quiet, unshakable strength that lies within you.

And that is where the healing begins.

If all you ever did today

Was to get up

Let it be enough,

If it felt like the world

Asked for too much

And there was too little to give

Let it be enough,

Among the list of things undone

Add the word survive

Tick the box

Let it be enough.

Source: Written by Sana Rizvi


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